var log4js = require("log4js");
* PatternLayout
* Format for specifiers is %[padding].[truncation][field]{[format]}
* e.g. %5.10p - left pad the log level by 5 characters, up to a max of 10
* Fields can be any of:
* - %r time in toLocaleTimeString format
* - %p log level
* - %c log category
* - %h hostname
* - %m log data
* - %d date in various formats
* - %% %
* - %n newline
* - %x{<tokenname>} add dynamic tokens to your log. Tokens are specified in the tokens parameter
* You can use %[ and %] to define a colored block.
* Tokens are specified as simple key:value objects.
* The key represents the token name whereas the value can be a string or function
* which is called to extract the value to put in the log message. If token is not
* found, it doesn't replace the field.
* A sample token would be: { "pid" : function() { return process.pid; } }
* Takes a pattern string, array of tokens and returns a layout function.
* @param {String} Log format pattern String
* @param {object} map object of different tokens
* @return {Function}
* @author Stephan Strittmatter
* @author Jan Schmidle
type : "console",
layout: {
type : "pattern",
pattern:"%d %x{pid} %0.1p %c - %m",
tokens :{ "pid" : function() { return process.pid; } }
console.log("test %s", "vv");
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